Why congregations?


I saw that the name is Reformed Congregations (plural) know that there is a church in Carterton. My question is: are there also other congregations in New Zealand within this denomination? Do you try to start up something else?



Hi Mark, You observed this very well.  About 25+ years ago, when they decided on the name of this church, it was decided to put into the plural as an expression of the faith that the Lord would use this congregation as a means to plant other like-minded church fellowships within NZ.  To this date that hasn't happened but we recently we have had a survey within our congregation and a good follow-up discussion about this.  As a congregation we are convinced that there is need for us to evangelize and have given that a form in various ways. One of the suggestions at the meeting was to schedule a Sunday service in an area, advertise it and lead a worship service to see if there is any interest.  Personally I don't think that is the most effective way but I am willing to try this.  Perhaps in the future several of our families can be nucleus of a new fellowship in a certain area; or we can actually support someone to do church planting work as an evangelist.

I hope this answers your question. Have a wonderful day!

Pastor Arnoud Vergunst